A therapeutic wax melt blend for any time of the day, any occasion, or any event. We appreciate the value of choice, which is why we allow you to choose any six wax melts of your pleasing. Please read the description of each wax melt blend for the ingredients and effects.
Meditation Blend
This is the perfect wax melt blend to induce a mode of consciousness. The gentle aromas are reputed to aid an individual in training their mind, put aside daily routines and duties, and feel completely at peace with yourself and your environment.
Love Blend
infused with essential oils of geranium, grapefruit, sandalwood, tangerine and ylang ylang. The perfect blend to induce a sense of contentment and warmth.
Bravery Blend
Bravery contains oils to help courage become second nature to you. When you’re in any situation where fear takes hold, and you freeze on the spot, this will be the blend for you.
Deep Sleep Blend
Bring a sense of tranquility into your home with this blend of essential oils containing cedarwood, lavender, spearmint, marjoram and ylang ylang, all prized for their therapeutic benefits.
Out Out Blend
These richly scented wax melts are ideal for the sluggish feeling we get after indulging in 'a few too many'. A refreshing, clean and uplifting blend of pure spearmint, orange, lemon, lavender and juniper.
Headache Blend
A deeply therapeutic blend with the benefits of the essential oils of eucalyptus, lavender, spearmint, chamomile and helichrysum. These wonderful melts help to clear the mind and reduce the early signs of migraine headache.
Calmness Blend
Beautifully finished melts made with bergamot, lavender, rosewood and ylang ylang. A blend that will aid in calming anxious thoughts and emotions.
Confidence Blend
Confidence contains the essential oils of ginger, lemon, lime, peppermint and ylang ylang.
Stress Relief Blend
A deeply infused wax melt blended with cedarwood, frankincense, lavender and ylang ylang. These oils have been specially selected for their calming, positive and rest-inducing properties.
Aphrodisiac Blend
A deeply scented, therapeutic, scented wax melt for warming. Just a small scoop from the pod will scent your surroundings. It's time rekindle that old flame, create a new spark or simply diffuse love into the air. The oils blended in this melt are noted historically for their aphrodisiac qualities, but don’t let us be the judge, dive in today.
Hay-Fever Blend
Beautifully finished melts boating chamomile, myrtle, lavender, peppermint and fur needle. A natural remedy that will help relieve you of seasonal symptoms: runny nose, sinus discomfort, sneezing, nasal congestion and nasal itching.
Wisteria Wax: Wax melt giftset
- Due to the purity of these essential oils, we recommend consulting your doctor before using if pregnant or breastfeeding.
- Safety is number no.1 priority so please make sure to clear the area when having a wax burning session and do not burn unattended.