People with a predominant Vata dosha are usually slim, with light bone and muscle structure. They are more prone to illness and have a weaker immune system. There are very creative and active physically as well as in their thought patterns. Vata dosha imbalance symptoms appear as dry skin, insomnia, headaches, tremors, stiffness in the neck and legs, arthritis, constipation, anxiety, nervousness, impatience, confusion, and fear.
People who have predominant Pitta dosha are likely to have an explosive character and a strong digestive system. In terms of body size, they usually have a medium frame, they have good physical strength, can build muscle at a normal pace and they can eat and digest heavy meals with ease. They can often be perceived to have an aggressive nature, they work hard toward their goals, they are determined, and have a great sense of justice.
When Pitta dosha is aggravated this can result in inflammation, skin problems, muscle disorders, and skin disorders such as psoriasis, fatigue, migraines, acid reflux, jaundice, and skin rashes.
Those with the predominant Kapha Dosha are usually well-built, aesthetically pleasing, and have good skin. They are the strongest physically out of the three Doshas and have a robust immune system. They tend to gravitate towards steady activities such as swimming or a brisk walk. They have outstanding endurance, good memory, and have a great sense of loyalty.
An individual with Kapha Dosha is more suited to a warmer climate and foods that are easier to digest. Being exposed to cold weather and foods that are harder to digest would cause an imbalance in the Kapha dosha. The physical effects of this would be feeling sluggish and lethargic. More prone to respiratory infections. They could show symptoms of loss of appetite, water retention, mucus formation, feeling of heaviness, sadness, and obesity, amongst other disorders.
Ayurvedic medicine
In Ayurvedic medicine, it’s believed that knowing your predominant Dosha and balancing your dosha type can lead to positive effects on the body and the mind. Ayurvedic medicine is one of the world’s oldest medical systems and remains in India. The belief in Dosha types, and how balancing these can lead to longevity may be less well-known here in the UK.
There are three dosha types, which are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha and they get their qualities from the combination of five elements in nature, which are water, earth, fire, space, and air. The Vata Dosha is a result of air and space. Pitta Dosha is caused by the fire element and Kapha Dosha is a result of earth and water elements.
Remedies for Dosha Balance
It’s believed that these Doshas are related to the body and mind. We all have different body types and different personalities. We each lead different lifestyles and are each individually more prone or susceptible to certain illnesses.
Several remedies can be used for Dosha balance,
changes in diet
herbal remedies
It’s believed that aggravating your predominant dosha, by making poor lifestyle choices, etc can cause stresses in the body and the mind. This can throw the Doshas out of balance and cause stresses to the body and mind. Once you know your predominant dosha you can work towards keeping it in balance. It’s believed that doing this will give you a balanced body and mind.